Monday 7 April 2008

First Step: Stop throwing your money away! Part 1

They say a penny saved is a penny earned. You know what? They're right. £50 less paid out every month is £50 more in your bank account - What's the point in making millions of pounds if they're just leaking out of your account pointlessly?

So Let's get the finances in order! I actually did this a while ago and it's very fulfilling knowing that every direct debit you cancel, every contract you change means more money for you. This bit's really important. . . seriously. . . I'm gonna save you so much money (Feel free to thank me!).

1. Get rid of those old Direct Debits
This is the quickest win, potentially saving £100's. Most people have at least one direct debit coming out of their account for services that provide no value whatsoever. Old magazine subscription being sent to an old address? Gym membership you don't use? Go through your bank statement and purge anything that shouldn't be there.

**Cancelling an unused gym membership costing £35/month would leave you £420/year better off! **
Continued in part 2 . . .

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